In 2015, Madurai Public School Institution embarked on a mission to redefine education through a harmonious blend of technology and tradition. As visionaries, they pioneered a paradigm shift in the educational landscape, placing a strong emphasis on technology, innovation, and an integrated learning milieu. Recognizing the profound impact of early intervention, the group began nurturing minds from a young age and continued guiding them until they blossomed into erudite scholars.
MPS Group of Institutions aspires to craft a holistic educational experience that combines deep conceptual knowledge with relevant, new-age competencies. Utilizing cutting-edge teaching and learning techniques, they empower students to confidently navigate the contemporary world.
Furthermore, MPS believes in evolving with the times. As the world has undergone rapid change, the Group remains steadfast in its commitment to adapt and integrate new learning methodologies. Their proactive approach ensures that students are not only prepared for the challenges of today but are also equipped to be the innovative leaders of tomorrow. Through a perfect confluence of tradition and technology, MPS stands as a beacon of progressive education, lighting the path for countless young minds to achieve their dreams and aspirations.
At Madurai Public School we embrace a child-centered philosophy that promotes creative thinking and lifelong learning. Our educators are dedicated to inspiring children to achieve the very highest standards in all their endeavors as they progress their educational journey with us. Through partnerships with parents, we strive to make every academic dream a reality.
“A Child Can Ask Questions That A Wise Man Cannot Answer.” Erma Bombeck
Excellent infrastructure and world-class ambience
Well qualified & competent Faculty with unmatched leadership.
Class rooms --- digital technology-enabled, with “smartclass”
Happy Students
Years Of fun at learning
EveryDay Care for your Children ...
The Madurai Public School campus offers a true campus experience. It is housed in the Thiruppalai Veerapandi road. It welcomes students from around the city to a global learning setting, with an atmosphere that is both academic and lively. Our students benefit from a lively learning environment, facilities equipped with the latest generation technologies.
Yoga day
Vigilance awareness week
Veer Gatha 2.0
Police Martyrs Day
Swachhta pakhwada
Vijayadhasami Photos
We have a rolling admissions process. Places, however, are limited.If you want to start the admission process click here: