
School Rules

  • Students should be punctual in coming to school with neat and tidy uniform and ID card.
  • Students must wear House uniform on Wednesdays.
  • All the boys must have a regular haircut.
  • All the students must trim their nails regularly.
  • Girls with long hair must have double plait hairstyle.
  • Girls must avoid using danglings, golden and silver ornaments.
  • Students should not meet the Principal during the class hours. They can meet during interlude or after the class hours.
  • Students must not bring money or costly items to the school.
  • All the books, notebooks must be covered and labelled neatly.
  • Bags, lunch bags, box must be labelled.
  • Students will not be permitted to leave the school campus without the permission of the Principal.
  • Students must produce leave application before taking leave.
  • Those who take leave must copy the missed portions and learn.
  • All the Saturdays and Sundays are holidays.
  • Students must leave the campus soon after the school gets over.
  • Students must do the homework daily and get sign from the parents.
  • Extra reading must be done daily.
  • Students must bring nutritious food with towel, spoon, etc. (Avoid Non-Veg, noodles, junk food). Bring green leafy vegetables on every Friday to celebrate ‘Green Day’.
  • CCA participation is must for all the students.
  • Students must bring their lunch in the morning itself.
  • CCTV is fixed to monitor the movements of the students and strangers for the safety and security of the child.
  • Students must converse in English in the school as well as at home.
  • Severe health problems, any other critical family problems of the students must be intimated to the teachers for safety purpose.
  • Students must carry their bags, lunch bags on their own to their classrooms, (No parent should accompany).
  • Decent colour dress is allowed only on birthdays.
  • Students must complete all the ablutions at their home.
  • Any change in address, phone number, email ID must be intimated to the teachers immediately.
  • Students availing leave on medical grounds must produce medical certificate.
  • Students must appear for all assessments without fail.
  • Usage of mobile phones, electronic gaming systems, walkman, MP3 players by the students are strictly prohibited inside the school campus.
  • Parents must attend all the Parent – Teacher meetings without fail.
  • The school authorities will not be responsible for the loss, damage or theft of student belongings. It is not advisable for the student to bring money or valuable articles to school.
  • Although the school is not responsible for the behavior of its students outside its premises due notice will be taken of reports of misbehavior and disciplinary action will be taken against the concerned students if the report is substantiated on proper enquiry.
  • Any damage done in the class or in the school premises has to be made good. Students must take care of the equipment that has been lent for their use.
  • The students must take down the work assigned for the next day in their calendars.
  • Students are expected to be punctual. Late comers are liable to be sent home at the parent’s own risk. Absence on the re-opening day will be viewed strictly.
  • Irregular attendance, unjustified or unexplained absence for more than a week, habitual idleness, disobedience or objectionable moral influence justifies dismissal.
  • When the students go for P.T. or move along the corridors or while changing classes, they must walk in silence in a single line. They should always keep to the left.
  • Students are expected to come to school provided with all that is necessary for the day’s work. Borrowing or lending of pencils, erasers, rulers, sharpeners, instrument box etc. is discouraged.
  • Personal cleanliness and hygiene is greatly recommended to all. Students should be particularly careful not to throw any papers anywhere in the school premises. They should use the baskets and bins specially provided for this purpose.
  • Absence without proper information or prior permission will be considered a gross breach of discipline.
  • The names of students who are absent for one month without informing the school authority will be struck off from the register.
  • During unavoidable and abnormal circumstances, we may declare a holiday and on such days the school buses will not ply to pick the children to school. In case the holiday announcement comes later. (i.e) after the children reach school they will be retained in the school till evening. Parents who want to take them back home must come in person to collect their wards.