Madurai Public School holds regular events aimed at providing information to parents and prospective students about our Bachelor degrees and life as an Madurai Public School student.
We regularly take part in international education fairs and conventions. In addition, we organize virtual and face-to-face insight sessions on topics including our Bachelor degrees, presentations by professors of the Madurai Public School, guided tours of our campus, open days, etc. See our calendar of events or contact our Admissions team at +91 88073 19006
Madurai Public School holds open days at the Madurai and chennai campuses once or twice a month.Professors, Madurai Public School students, potential candidates, their families, and Admissions Department staff all participate in these events.
The admission test is part of the Madurai Public School admission process. You can take the admission test either at the Madurai. Please go to the dates and locations schedule, choose the time and place that best suits you, and register for the test.
MADURAI PUBLIC SCHOOL is a landmark in the pursuit of excellence in education. It is an institution deeply dedicated to the mission of growing children with 'INDIAN VALUES and GLOBAL VISION'..
We have a rolling admissions process. Places, however, are limited.If you want to start the admission process click here: